Meeting is the most human of inventions by Roma Havers

It's the people you meet.

‘Human nature is not just your loved ones, it’s the people you meet.’

That was Dudley’s response to our first call together back in July. Throughout lockdown the potential for adventure, discovery and meeting new people has been a loss we have all felt, but perhaps none more so than the age bracket who were told they were most vulnerable to coronavirus.

I spoke to five people across Greater Manchester who have been isolated during lockdown. Each series of conversations were completely different and at first I wondered how it would be possible to write about them into one piece of work but a running thread emerged, how we can help each other imagine.

It's the people you meet.

I’m broadcasting to you from the lighthouse at the estuary of the River Styx…

I’m broadcasting to you from the turret of my ice castle on pluto…

I’m broadcasting from the rusty VW Camper in the Nevada Desert…

I’m broadcasting to you from the inside of a snowglobe, that padded sound, nothing falls forever here, and the edges of the world are cool, looking up is a kind of hypnotism, it’s always the same snow and I know each flake by a name my mother taught me, it’s hard to miss mountains when you have been upside down……..

I could tell you I’m anywhere. That’s the beauty of telephone calls, that’s the wonder of meeting someone when they don’t know what you look like. On our last week talking Suraj told me she could ‘draw my face, I can picture you smiling’, I could picture Suraj’s smile too, in the way our brains can manifest a smile in a voice without having to concretise a human face. The brain is so much more creative at picturing who you are speaking to when you can’t see them. I could tell you I’m a cross between Christopher Robin and an art critic or that I’m definitely more tadpole than frog. Our ability to imagine beyond where we are, to imagine other people more complexly and the ability to communicate in more creative ways is our greatest power.

Me and John spent a lot of time discussing the power of radio which he fell in love with going out on boats to try and catch the radio-waves of the pirate radios on the ships in the dock. This broadcast is inspired by John!

A communications tower is silhouetted against a blue and orange sunset sky.

It's the people you meet.

I’m broadcasting to you from the lighthouse at the estuary of the River Styx…

I’m broadcasting to you from the turret of my ice castle on pluto…

I’m broadcasting from the rusty VW Camper in the Nevada Desert…

I’m broadcasting to you from the inside of a snowglobe, that padded sound, nothing falls forever here, and the edges of the world are cool, looking up is a kind of hypnotism, it’s always the same snow and I know each flake by a name my mother taught me, it’s hard to miss mountains when you have been upside down……..

I could tell you I’m anywhere. That’s the beauty of telephone calls, that’s the wonder of meeting someone when they don’t know what you look like. On our last week talking Suraj told me she could ‘draw my face, I can picture you smiling’, I could picture Suraj’s smile too, in the way our brains can manifest a smile in a voice without having to concretise a human face. The brain is so much more creative at picturing who you are speaking to when you can’t see them. I could tell you I’m a cross between Christopher Robin and an art critic or that I’m definitely more tadpole than frog. Our ability to imagine beyond where we are, to imagine other people more complexly and the ability to communicate in more creative ways is our greatest power.

Me and John spent a lot of time discussing the power of radio which he fell in love with going out on boats to try and catch the radio-waves of the pirate radios on the ships in the dock. This broadcast is inspired by John!

A communications tower is silhouetted against a blue and orange sunset sky.

I’m broadcasting alone/unlonely in my flat

As Dudley said during our last week ‘there aren’t any ordinary people’, by my experience we just have to get better questions. I am grateful for the company John, Suraj, Pauline, Guilia and Dudley have given me over this summer, their stories, their answers to my questions. This one’s for them!

Thanks for tuning in folks and goats!